For each of the following sentences, choose the correct verb in parentheses, and write it on your paper.

1. Many of the ships that crossed the Atlantic Ocean during World War II (was, were) filled with supplies.
2. Most of the vessels (was, were) carrying vital supplies from the United States to Great Britain.
3. Everyone (hopes, hope) that the ships get to their destination safely.
4. Several (is, are) sunk by German submarines, called U-boats.
5. Some (reaches, reach) Britain to deliver their cargoes.

My answers to these questions are the following:
1. were
2. were
3. hopes
4. are
5. reach

All are right. :-)

Great job with your answers! Here's how you can determine the correct verb in each sentence:

1. To determine whether "was" or "were" is correct, we need to consider the subject of the sentence. In this case, "Many of the ships" is the subject, and "ships" is plural. Therefore, the correct verb is "were," as you correctly chose.

2. Similarly, in this sentence, "Most of the vessels" is the subject, and "vessels" is also plural. Hence, the correct verb is "were," as you selected.

3. In this sentence, the subject is "Everyone," which is singular. Therefore, we need a singular verb form. The correct verb is "hopes," as you correctly chose.

4. Here, "Several" is the subject, and it is plural, so the correct verb is "are," as you correctly identified.

5. In the last sentence, the subject is "Some," which is plural. Hence, the correct verb is "reach," as you chose.

Your answers are indeed correct! Nice job!