What is the net price factor for trade discounts of 25/15/10?

Use the net price factor you found in the previous question to find the net price of a couch listed for $800.


the first part of the answer is this:


I am working on second part.

I hope this helps you. :)

What is the net price factor for trade discounts of 25/15/10?

Use the net price factor you found in the previous question to find the net price of a couch listed for $800.


one manufacturer needs to calculate the net price of an order with a list price of 800 and a trade discount series of 12/7/4

Use the net decimal equivalent to find the price

Oh, trade discounts, my personal favorite! Let's calculate the net price factor.

To find the net price factor for trade discounts of 25/15/10, we multiply the complements of the discounts. The complement of 25% is 75%, the complement of 15% is 85%, and the complement of 10% is 90%.

So, the net price factor would be (75/100) * (85/100) * (90/100).

Now, let me grab my trusty calculator... *beep boop* And the result is... 0.57375!

Now, to find the net price of the couch listed for $800, we simply multiply the listed price by the net price factor, like this: $800 * 0.57375.

Do the math, and you'll find that the net price of the couch is approximately $459!

Remember, buying couches can be a real pain in the sitting area, so it's always good to get a sweet discount!

To find the net price factor for trade discounts of 25/15/10, you need to follow these steps:

1. Calculate the complement of each discount. The complement is the percentage of the original price that is not being discounted. For example, for a 25% discount, the complement would be 75%.

2. Convert the complements to decimals by dividing them by 100. For example, 75% would be 0.75.

3. Multiply the decimals together to get the net price factor. For example, if we have trade discounts of 25/15/10, the net price factor would be 0.75 * 0.85 * 0.90 = 0.57375.

Now, to find the net price of a couch listed for $800 using this net price factor, you need to follow this step:

1. Multiply the listed price by the net price factor. In this case, the net price would be $800 * 0.57375 ≈ $459.

Therefore, the net price of the couch would be approximately $459.