1) ¿ Hace un mes nadas en el mar?

Hace dos meses.
A. Cuánto tiempo hace
B. Cuánto tiempo hace que
C. Hace un mes
D. A qué hora
I said C

2) Hace tres horas ______ el piano. Me duelen mucho los dedos.
A. que toco
B. yo toco
C. qué toco
D. me toca
I said D

3) Ayer fui a jugar tenis; _________.
A. hoy me duele la nariz
B. tengo frío
C. me lastimé el brazo
D. siempre me siento mal
I said C

4) Yo no tengo que llamar al medico porque _______ la garganta.
A. está mejor
B. me queda bien
C. aquí está
D. no es
I said A

5) Para las vacaciones, solo pienso ver la tele.
Pero, ____________________.
A. ¿hace mucho tiempo que ves la tele?
B. ¿la puedes ver los mièrcoles?
C. no podemos ir de vacaciones
D. ¿no te van a doler mucho los ojos?
I said D

6) ¿Prefiere la manzana roja o _______ verde?
A. el
B. la
C. uno
D. las
I said B

7) ¿Què te duele?
No ______________.
A. me duele nada
B. creo que me duele
C. le duelen nunca
D. te duele la espalda
I said A

8) ¿Còmo duermen Uds.?
En casa _________ muy bien.
A. tengo que dormir
B. debo dormir
C. mi hermana no debe dormir
D. dormimos
I said B

9) Mamà va a llamar a la ______ porque mi hermana menor todavìa tiene fiebre.
A. mèdico
B. mèdica
C. hospital
D. prefesor
I said A

10) ¿Por què no duermes?
Porque ____________.
A. no tengo sueño
B. estoy cansada
C. tengo sueño
D. debo descansar
I said A

11) Vemos y leemos con ________
A. los anteojos de sol
B. los brazos
C. los ojos
D. los oìdos
I said C

12) Me duele la garganta porque _________.
A. estamos enfermos
B. descanso
C. tengo un resfriado
D. estoy mejor
I said C

13) ______, ¿què te duele?
A. tù
B. Y a ti
C. a mì
D. Al gato
I said A

14) Vamos a hacer ejercicio el sàbado, ¿___________?
A. de veras
B. sì
C. no
D. creo que sì
I think this on is A or B

15) ¿Por què no comes algo?
Porque tengo ___________.
A. que ir al mar
B. un terrible dolor de estòmago
C. amigos que prefieren comer conmigo
D. hambre
I said B

16) Debo quedarme en la cama cuando ________.
A. me lastimè la mano
B. me siento mejor
C. tengo gripe
D. no me duele nada
I said C

17) Tengo un refriado y no me siento bien. Profesor, ¿puedo ir __________?
A. al hospital
B. a la enfermerìa
C. a la clìnica par alas personas que no pueden dormir
D. a la zapaterìa
I said B

18) ______________
Tengo un resfriado terrible.
A. ¿Còmo te sientes?
B. ¿Què tiempo hace?
C. ¿Còmo estàn?
D. ¿Te duele la mano?
I said A

19) Hace sol y _________. Quiero ir a nadar.
A. debo quedarme en casa
B. me siento mal
C. no tengo razòn
D. tengo calor
I said D

I'll send this to SraJMcGin.

I"m not sure what you are doing here. I must always see the instructions before I see the items. Number 1 says this so far:

1. Have you been swimming in the ocean for a month? For 2 months. A. How long is it? B. How long is it that C. For a month. D. At what time?

Do you see why I haven't the faintest idea what you are to do? Stopping before the choices, I would have thought perhaps you were to come up with the question? ¿Cuánto tiempo hace que nadas en el mar? In that case, I would select B.

2. A Here is the TOOL you are to learn. This construction is "hace + period of time + que" as in: "¿Hace cuánto tiempo que nadas?" Literally: It makes how much time that you are swimming, BUT translated as How long have you been swimming. The answer then is: "Hace + period of time + que nado." Literally: It makes (period of time) that I am swimming, BUT translated: "I have been swimming for (period of time).

LEARN that first and then check your answers for the rest. In the meantime, I will also check what you have.


Sorry that they were not ALL with "hace + que" so here are the other answers.

2. A

3. question should have "jugar al tenis" but the answer IS C

4. A

5. D

6. B


8. Not B but D. Look CLOSELY at the question because the verb is PLURAL. That means that the answer must also be PLURAL. Duermen Uds.? Dormimos

9. B

10. A

11. C

12. C

13. NOT A, but B. Y a ti = emphasizes "to you, what is hurting?" This type of construction will use "a mí, a ti, a él, etc."

14. sábado needs an accent mark No answer is correct here UNLESS C has an accent mark on s´ˆ. si = if BUT sí = yes. I think so is the best answer to "Are we going to do exercise on Saturday?" The upside question mark should be at the beginning so you realize it is a question.

15. B

16. C

17. 2 accents = enfermería and zapatería, but the answer IS B

18. A

19. D

Be sure to get back to me with any question(s) you might have.


1) The correct answer is B. "Cuánto tiempo hace que hace un mes nadas en el mar?" In this sentence, "hace un mes" means "a month ago," and "que" is used to indicate a period of time. So the correct phrase is "Cuánto tiempo hace que," which translates to "How long ago."

2) The correct answer is A. "Hace tres horas que toco el piano. Me duelen mucho los dedos." In this sentence, "hace tres horas" means "three hours ago," and "que" is used to indicate a period of time. So the correct phrase is "Hace tres horas que," which translates to "It's been three hours since."

3) The correct answer is C. "Ayer fui a jugar tenis; me lastimé el brazo." In this sentence, "me lastimé el brazo" means "I hurt my arm." The phrase "me lastimé" is the correct response to the question.

4) The correct answer is A. "Yo no tengo que llamar al médico porque está mejor la garganta." In this sentence, "está mejor" means "it is better." The correct phrase to fill in the blank is "está mejor," which translates to "it is better."

5) The correct answer is D. "Pero, ¿no te van a doler mucho los ojos?" In this sentence, "¿no te van a doler mucho los ojos?" means "Aren't your eyes going to hurt a lot?" The correct phrase to fill in the blank is "¿no te van a doler mucho los ojos?" which translates to "Aren't your eyes going to hurt a lot?"

6) The correct answer is B. "¿Prefiere la manzana roja o la verde?" In this sentence, "la verde" means "the green one." The correct response is "la verde," which translates to "the green one."

7) The correct answer is A. "No me duele nada." In this sentence, "me duele nada" means "nothing hurts me." The correct phrase to fill in the blank is "me duele nada," which translates to "nothing hurts me."

8) The correct answer is D. "En casa dormimos muy bien." In this sentence, "dormimos" means "we sleep." The correct phrase to fill in the blank is "dormimos," which translates to "we sleep."

9) The correct answer is A. "Mamá va a llamar al médico porque mi hermana menor todavía tiene fiebre." In this sentence, "al médico" means "to the doctor." The correct phrase to fill in the blank is "al médico," which translates to "to the doctor."

10) The correct answer is A. "Porque no tengo sueño." In this sentence, "no tengo sueño" means "I'm not sleepy." The correct phrase to fill in the blank is "no tengo sueño," which translates to "I'm not sleepy."

11) The correct answer is C. "Vemos y leemos con los ojos." In this sentence, "los ojos" means "the eyes." The correct response is "los ojos," which translates to "the eyes."

12) The correct answer is C. "Me duele la garganta porque tengo un resfriado." In this sentence, "tengo un resfriado" means "I have a cold." The correct phrase to fill in the blank is "tengo un resfriado," which translates to "I have a cold."

13) The correct answer is A. "Tú, ¿qué te duele?" In this sentence, "tú" means "you." The correct response is "tú," which translates to "you."

14) The correct answer is B. "Vamos a hacer ejercicio el sábado, ¿sí?" In this sentence, "sí" means "yes." The correct phrase to fill in the blank is "sí," which translates to "yes."

15) The correct answer is B. "Porque tengo un terrible dolor de estómago." In this sentence, "un terrible dolor de estómago" means "a terrible stomachache." The correct phrase to fill in the blank is "un terrible dolor de estómago," which translates to "a terrible stomachache."

16) The correct answer is C. "Debo quedarme en la cama cuando tengo gripe." In this sentence, "tengo gripe" means "I have the flu." The correct phrase to fill in the blank is "tengo gripe," which translates to "I have the flu."

17) The correct answer is B. "Tengo un resfriado y no me siento bien. Profesor, ¿puedo ir a la enfermería?" In this sentence, "a la enfermería" means "to the nurse's office." The correct phrase to fill in the blank is "a la enfermería," which translates to "to the nurse's office."

18) The correct answer is A. "¿Cómo te sientes? Tengo un resfriado terrible." In this sentence, "¿Cómo te sientes?" means "How do you feel?" The correct response is "¿Cómo te sientes?" which translates to "How do you feel?"

19) The correct answer is D. "Hace sol y tengo calor." In this sentence, "tengo calor" means "I'm hot." The correct phrase to fill in the blank is "tengo calor," which translates to "I'm hot."