22. Sunshine Honda sold 112 cars this month. If that is 40% greater than last month, how many cars were sold last month? (Points : 2)

To find the number of cars sold last month, you can use the concept of percentages.

Step 1: Determine the increase in sales from last month.
Since this month's sales are 40% greater than the previous month, you need to find 40% of the number of cars sold last month.

Increase = (40/100) * number of cars sold last month

Step 2: Calculate the number of cars sold last month.
To find the number of cars sold last month, you can subtract the increase from this month's sales.

Number of cars sold last month = Number of cars sold this month - Increase

Substituting the given values:
Number of cars sold this month = 112
Percentage increase = 40%

Increase = (40/100) * number of cars sold last month
Increase = (40/100) * x

Number of cars sold last month = 112 - (40/100) * x

Simplifying the equation further will give you the answer.