I posted these questions earlier a lot of times but noone answered them and i really need help so can someone help me. i don't want all the answers, can someone just do like the first 2 so i get an example of how to do them. thanks

1. represent each with an ineqaulity
a.) time spent on the activity can be at most 13 mins
b.) the volume of the container must be a minimum of 1.8 L and a max of 2.5 L

2. in canada by law any product sold as a nutritional supplement or meal replacement must provide a minimum of 225kcal of energy per serving

a.) if c represents the energy content of one serving write an inequality to represent this regulation

3. Danlielle's track coach tells the team that to be considered for the 100 meter race a runner has to be able to run 100m in less than 13s. draw and lable a numer line to repsent this.

4. on saltspring island in british columbia the height of the tide varies one day from a low of 0.8m to a high of 3.2m

a.) what type of ineqaulity do you need to use to show the range of tide heights

b.) express this situation algebraically

thank you so much :)

1. Since it says "at most," it can be 13 or less. So, this is t (time spent) ≤ (less than or equal to) 13.

First, try using this to solve some of the other problems.

Thanks but i already did them all cause noone was helping

1. a) To represent the first statement, "time spent on the activity can be at most 13 mins," you can use the less than or equal to symbol (≤). Let's assume the time spent on the activity is represented by the variable "t." The inequality representing this statement would be: t ≤ 13.

b) To represent the second statement, "the volume of the container must be a minimum of 1.8 L and a max of 2.5 L," we can use both the greater than or equal to symbol (≥) and the less than or equal to symbol (≤). Let's assume the volume of the container is represented by the variable "v." The inequality representing this statement would be: 1.8 ≤ v ≤ 2.5.

2. To represent the regulation that any product sold as a nutritional supplement or meal replacement must provide a minimum of 225kcal of energy per serving, we can use the greater than or equal to symbol (≥). Let's assume the energy content of one serving is represented by the variable "c." The inequality representing this regulation would be: c ≥ 225. This inequality ensures that the energy content is equal to or greater than 225kcal per serving.

3. To represent Danielle's track coach's statement that a runner has to be able to run 100m in less than 13 seconds, we can use a number line. Draw a number line with values increasing from left to right, starting from 0. Label the point 13 on the number line, indicating that it represents 13 seconds. Then, mark a point to the left of 13 labeled as 100, indicating that it represents the 100-meter mark. This visualization represents the condition that the runner should be able to run 100m in less than 13s.

4. a) The type of inequality you need to use to show the range of tide heights is a compound inequality, specifically an "and" inequality. Since the tide height varies from a low of 0.8m to a high of 3.2m, we want to represent this range. The inequality that represents this situation is: 0.8 ≤ tide height ≤ 3.2.

b) The algebraic expression representing the given tide height situation would be: 0.8 ≤ h ≤ 3.2. Here, "h" represents the tide height, and the inequality indicates that the tide height is between 0.8m and 3.2m, inclusive.

Please be patient. It doesn't do you any good to keep reposting the same questions when none of the math tutors are online now.