If the bearing fron H to G is 098 degrees, what is the bearing of G from H

Bearing = 98 + 180 = 278o.

The bearing from H to G is 098 degrees. To find the bearing of G from H, you need to subtract 180 degrees from the bearing from H to G and then add 360 degrees:

Bearing of G from H = (098 degrees - 180 degrees) + 360 degrees

Bearing of G from H = -82 degrees + 360 degrees

Bearing of G from H = 278 degrees

Therefore, the bearing of G from H is 278 degrees.

To determine the bearing of G from H, you can follow these steps:

1. Add 180 degrees to the given bearing from H to G. This is because the bearing from H to G is in one direction, and to find the bearing from G to H, you need to consider the opposite direction.

098 degrees + 180 degrees = 278 degrees

2. If the result is greater than 360 degrees, subtract 360 degrees from it to get the bearing within the range of 0 to 360 degrees.

278 degrees - 360 degrees = -82 degrees

3. Convert the negative bearing into a positive bearing by adding 360 degrees to it.

-82 degrees + 360 degrees = 278 degrees

Therefore, the bearing of G from H is 278 degrees.