where can I find info on diseases of the circulatory system??? Please help!!!!


Please help! I need a good website for heat in science! I'm in 8grade and I need info on heat

For information on diseases of the circulatory system, you can start by visiting reliable medical websites such as MedlinePlus (https://medlineplus.gov/) or the American Heart Association website (https://www.heart.org). These websites provide comprehensive information on various circulatory system diseases, their symptoms, causes, treatments, and prevention methods.

If you are looking for more detailed or specific information, you can also search for scientific articles or research papers on the subject. Websites like PubMed (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov) or Google Scholar (https://scholar.google.com) can be useful for finding academic papers related to circulatory system diseases.

When searching for information on heat in science for your 8th-grade project, you can start with educational websites that provide scientific information for students. Some reliable websites include:

1. Khan Academy (https://www.khanacademy.org/): Khan Academy offers educational videos and articles on various scientific topics, including heat.

2. Science Buddies (https://www.sciencebuddies.org/): Science Buddies provides science fair project ideas, guides, and resources, including information on heat-related experiments.

3. National Geographic Kids (https://kids.nationalgeographic.com): National Geographic Kids covers a wide range of topics, including heat and energy, in a kid-friendly and engaging way.

Remember, it's always a good idea to cross-reference the information you find across multiple reliable sources to ensure accuracy and get a well-rounded understanding.