ABC is a triangle with a right angle at A. M and N are points on BC such that AM is the altitude, and AN is the angle bisector of ∠BAC. If CNNB=21, what is CMMB?

To find the value of CMMB, we first need to understand the problem and use basic geometric properties.

Given that ABC is a triangle with a right angle at A, we know that the angles B and C are acute angles, and the right angle is formed at vertex A.

We are also given that M is a point on BC such that AM is the altitude. This means that the line segment AM is perpendicular to BC. Moreover, we are told that N is a point on BC such that AN is the angle bisector of angle BAC. This means that the line segment AN divides angle BAC into two equal angles.

Since AM is the altitude, we can use the property that in a right-angled triangle, the altitude from the right angle to the hypotenuse (BC in this case) divides the triangle into two similar triangles.

In triangle AMC, we have the right angle at A, and the corresponding angles of triangle AMC and triangle ABC are equal. Therefore, triangle AMC is similar to triangle ABC.

Similarly, in triangle ANB, we have angle BAC being bisected by AN, so angle BAN is equal to angle CAN. We also know that angle BNA is equal to angle CNA, as they are vertical angles (opposite angles formed by intersecting lines). Therefore, triangle ANB is isosceles.

Since triangle AMC is similar to triangle ABC, we can write the following proportion using corresponding sides:

AM/AB = 1

Now, since triangle ANB is isosceles, we have BN = NC. Therefore, we can write the following proportion in triangle ANB using corresponding sides:


Since we know that BN/AB = 21, we can substitute this value into the proportion:

21 = AC/AN

Now let's solve for AC. We can cross-multiply the proportion:

21 * AN = AC

Also, from triangle AMC, we know that AM/AB = 1. Therefore, AM = AB.

Now, let's substitute the value of AM into the equation:

21 * AN = AM

We are given that CNNB = 21. Since BN = NC, we have:

2 * AN = 21

Dividing both sides by 2 gives us:

AN = 10.5

Now that we know AN, we can substitute it back into the equation to find the value of AC:

21 * 10.5 = AC

AC = 220.5

Since AM = AB, we can say that AM = 220.5 also.

Now, we need to find the value of CMMB. Since triangle CMN is similar to triangle ABC, we can write the following proportion using corresponding sides:


Substituting the known values:

CM/AB = 220.5/220.5
CM/AB = 1

Since AM = AB, we can now say that CM = AB.

Therefore, CMMB = AB * AB = AB^2.

In summary, to find the value of CMMB in the given triangle, we need to find the length of AB and square it.