Sunshine Honda sold 112 cars this month. If that is 40% greater than last month, how many cars were sold last month?

1.4x = 112

To find out how many cars were sold last month, we need to solve the equation. Let's denote the number of cars sold last month as 'x'.

We are given that the number of cars sold this month, which is 112, is 40% greater than the number of cars sold last month. Mathematically, this can be represented as:

112 = x + (40/100) * x

To simplify the equation, we convert 40% to a decimal by dividing it by 100.

112 = x + 0.4x

Combining like terms:

112 = 1.4x

To isolate 'x', we divide both sides of the equation by 1.4:

112 / 1.4 = x

Now, let's calculate the answer:

x = 80

Therefore, the number of cars sold last month was 80.