Is there only one way to express future in German?

No, there are actually multiple ways to express the future tense in German. The most common way is to use the verb "werden" (to become) followed by the infinitive form of the main verb. For example, "Ich werde gehen" means "I will go."

Another way to express the future in German is by using the present tense of the verb with a time expression that indicates the future, such as "morgen" (tomorrow) or "nächste Woche" (next week). For example, "Ich gehe morgen" means "I am going tomorrow."

Additionally, German also has the "Futur II" (future perfect) tense, which is formed by using the auxiliary verb "werden" in its present tense form, followed by the past participle of the main verb. For example, "Ich werde gegangen sein" means "I will have gone."

So, there is not just one way to express the future in German, but rather a variety of options depending on the context and the desired emphasis.