Kendall asked 40 randomly-selected seniors at his high school about their plans for after they graduated. Twenty-nine students said they planned to go to college. If there are 380 seniors at Kendall’s high school, estimate the number who plan to go to college.

There are diffrent versions of this test so without the actually questions u dont know if the list of response are correct for ur version

A. 245

B. 275*
C. 310
D. 330

29/40 = 0.725

0.725 * 380 = ?

You're welcome, Miae.

Be sure you look at your other problem above.

just did the test, i wanted to do my answers instead of Nobody's answers and i got 16/17. ill post the right answers (the hints helped me btw, thx Nobody)

1. D
2. D
3. C
4. A
5. D
6. C
7. D
8. C
9. B
10. C
11. A
12. C
13. C
14. C
15. D
16. C
17. B
18. use Nobody's hints
19. again, use Nobody's hints
i hope this helped, my fellow cheaters! <3

guys we've talked about this! The letters wont always have the same answer associated to them! ESPECIALLY not on tests and unit tests!

Right is wrong, all test answers are randomized and in different orders!

Thank you Ms.Sue

Im so confuzled

theres 29 questions for meeeeeeeeee