What percentage of the first 100 positive integers contains no even digits?



To find the percentage of the first 100 positive integers that contains no even digits, we need to determine the count of numbers that meet this condition.

Step 1: Determine the count of numbers that contain no even digits.
To find the count, we can iterate through the first 100 positive integers and check each number for the presence of even digits (0, 2, 4, 6, or 8). If none of these digits are present in a number, we increment the count.

Here's an example of how we can check each number:

count = 0
for num in range(1, 101):
contains_even_digit = any(digit in str(num) for digit in "02468")
if not contains_even_digit:
count += 1

After running this code, the count would be the number of positive integers within the first 100 that include no even digits.

Step 2: Calculate the percentage.
To calculate the percentage, we divide the count by the total number of positive integers (100) and multiply by 100.

percentage = (count / 100) * 100

For example, if the count is 35, the percentage would be (35 / 100) * 100 = 35%.

Therefore, to answer the question, we need to run the code above and determine the value of the "percentage" variable.

To determine the percentage of the first 100 positive integers that do not contain any even digits, we need to count the number of integers that fit this criteria and then divide by 100.

To count the number of integers, we can consider each digit separately.

First, consider the units digit. We have a total of 10 possible digits (0-9), of which 5 (1, 3, 5, 7, 9) are odd. So, for the units digit, there is a 5 out of 10 chance of being odd.

Next, consider the tens digit. Since the numbers go from 1 to 100, the tens digit can be any number from 0-9. However, we need to exclude the digit 2 (since it is even). So, for the tens digit, there is a 9 out of 10 chance of being odd.

Now, we can multiply the probabilities together to get the probability of having both the units and tens digits being odd: (5/10) * (9/10) = 45/100.

This means that 45 out of the first 100 positive integers do not contain any even digits.

To calculate the percentage, divide the number of integers without even digits (45) by the total number of integers (100) and multiply by 100.

(45/100) * 100 = 45%

So, the percentage of the first 100 positive integers that contain no even digits is 45%.