find the real solutions

x= y^2 - 9
x-4y-12= 0

I got x= -3 and y= 7 and x= 40

but how do i know what x to use and whats the ordered pair? I'm confused! help please!

I hope you used substitution and replace the x of the second equation with the x value of the first, thus...

(y^2 - 9) - 4y - 12 = 0
y^2 - 4y - 21 = 0
(y-7)(y+3) = 0
then y = 7 or y = -3

if y = 7 go back to first equation for
x = 7^2-9 = 40

if y=-3, then x = (-3)^2 - 9 = 0

so your two points are (40,7) and (0,-3)

To find the real solutions for the given system of equations, we will solve the equations simultaneously. Let's start by solving the second equation for x in terms of y:

x - 4y - 12 = 0

Rearranging the equation, we get:

x = 4y + 12

Now substitute this expression for x into the first equation:

4y + 12 = y^2 - 9

Rearrange the equation to bring all terms to one side:

y^2 - 4y - 21 = 0

To simplify this equation, factor it if possible:

(y - 7)(y + 3) = 0

Setting each factor equal to zero, we have two equations:

y - 7 = 0 and y + 3 = 0

Solving these equations will give us the values for y:

For y - 7 = 0, add 7 to both sides:

y = 7

For y + 3 = 0, subtract 3 from both sides:

y = -3

Now, substitute the obtained values of y back into the second equation to find the corresponding values of x:

For y = 7:

x = 4y + 12
x = 4(7) + 12
x = 28 + 12
x = 40

So, one solution is x = 40 and y = 7.

For y = -3:

x = 4y + 12
x = 4(-3) + 12
x = -12 + 12
x = 0

So, another solution is x = 0 and y = -3.

Thus, the real solutions to the system of equations are the ordered pairs: (40, 7) and (0, -3).