Thanks for the help. I really appreciate it. Does this look better?

Hola. Me llamo Danilo.

Soy de Massachusetts.

Tengo catorce años.

Mi cumpleaños es el trece de febrero.

Mi clase favorita es las ciencias porque es muy interesante.

No me gusta la clase de matemáticas porque es muy aburrida.

Hay una cama, dos mesas, una lámpara y un escritorio en mi cuarto.

Soy alto, cómico, inteligente y interesante.

Mi familia es divertida y pesada.

Desayuno todos los días a las siete. Muchas veces yo toco la guitarra por la noche. Escucho la música sólo cuando no tengo tarea.

En mi tiempo libre, mis amigos y yo practicamos baloncesto, miramos la televisión y jugamos a los videojuegos.

Thanks again!

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum again. Nearly perfect! The word "y" becomes "e" in front of the same sound. For example: inteligente e interesante. Fernando e Isabel. The only other word to do that would be the "o" as in siete "u" ocho so you don't lose the sound! (yy or oo)


You're welcome! I'm glad I could help. Your Spanish passage looks great overall! Just one small correction: in the sentence "Mi familia es divertida y pesada," you should use "e" instead of "y" before the word "pesada" since it starts with a /p/ sound. So it should be "Mi familia es divertida e pesada."

Remember, this rule applies when you have two words next to each other that start with the same sound. Instead of saying "y," you use "e" to maintain the smooth flow of the sentence. This rule also applies to other similar cases, such as using "e" instead of "y" before words that start with the sound /i/.

Other than that, your passage looks great! Keep up the good work!