what is 10 square root of 3u squared plus 6u squared square root of 3u squared?

i have to add this radical alright thanks

Do you mean [10 sqrt(3u)]^2 + 6u^2*[sqrt(3u)]^2 ?

That would be 100*3u + 6 u^2*3u
= 300 u + 6 u^3

but there are other ways to interpet what you have written. Trying to write out algebraic expressions in words, without using parentheses to clarify the order of operations, leads to confusion and the possibility of different answers.

To clarify, if you meant the expression as [10 square root of (3u^2)] + (6u^2 square root of 3u^2), then you can simplify it as follows:

First, simplify the square roots individually. The square root of (3u^2) is just (sqrt(3u^2)) which simplifies as 3u.

So, the expression becomes [10 * 3u] + (6u^2 * 3u) = 30u + 18u^3.

Thus, the simplified expression is 30u + 18u^3.