Is the near side (facing earth)always the dark side?

If you are talking about the moon, depending on its position in relation to sun and earth, it reflects various amounts of light, thus we have phases of the moon.


No, the near side of the moon (facing the Earth) is not always the dark side. The moon goes through different phases as it orbits the Earth, resulting in varying portions of its surface being illuminated by the sunlight.

The term "dark side of the moon" is a bit misleading because it implies a permanent absence of sunlight. In reality, all parts of the moon receive light at some point in its orbit. The reason we often perceive the far side of the moon as the dark side is because it is not visible from Earth. This is due to a phenomenon called tidal locking, where the moon's rotation period matches its orbital period. As a result, the same side of the moon always faces the Earth, while the other side remains hidden.

To determine which side of the moon is currently facing the Earth and whether it is illuminated or in shadow, you can use various astronomical tools and resources. Observing the moon's phase through a telescope or using a smartphone app designed for stargazing can provide you with real-time information on which part of the moon is visible and what phase it is in. Websites and online resources dedicated to astronomy also offer detailed moon phase calendars and other relevant information to understand the current state of the moon's illumination.