which of the following is an example of a mineral? silver, lava, fossils, sand, I say Lava

Minerals must be solid. Lava is not a mineral, although it is made of minerals after it becomes solid. I'd say silver.

Lava is not an example of a mineral. The correct example of a mineral from the options you provided is silver. Silver is a naturally occurring metallic element and is classified as a mineral.

Lava is not an example of a mineral. However, among the options you provided, silver is an example of a mineral.

To understand why lava is not a mineral, it's important to know what a mineral is. A mineral is a naturally occurring inorganic solid with a definite chemical composition and a crystalline atomic structure. Lava, on the other hand, is molten rock that flows from a volcano during an eruption. It is in a liquid state and does not possess a crystalline structure. Therefore, lava is not considered a mineral.

Silver, on the other hand, meets the criteria for being a mineral. It is a naturally occurring solid element with a definite chemical composition (Ag) and a regular arrangement of atoms in a crystalline structure. Silver can be found in various forms, such as nuggets or silver ore, and it is widely used in jewelry, electronics, and other industries.

So, in summary, while lava is not a mineral, silver is indeed an example of a mineral.