what kind of energy is stored before the earthquake

Pretty sure its kinetic potential energy

Energy that gets used up.

Before an earthquake occurs, there is a buildup of energy in the Earth's crust. This energy is stored in the form of seismic potential energy. The primary source of this energy is the tectonic forces acting on Earth's plates.

To understand how this energy is stored, we need to consider Earth's tectonic plates. These plates are massive pieces of the Earth's crust that are constantly moving. There are several types of plate boundaries, such as convergent boundaries where plates collide, divergent boundaries where plates move apart, and transform boundaries where plates slide past each other.

At plate boundaries, the movement of the plates can sometimes become locked due to frictional resistance, preventing them from sliding smoothly past each other. As the tectonic forces continue to act, stress builds up along these locked segments of the plates, causing strain to accumulate in the Earth's crust.

This strain causes rocks to be deformed and bent, like a compressed spring. As the rocks are gradually subjected to more stress, they store potential energy within their structure. This stored energy can be significant, sometimes spanning over many years or even centuries, depending on the specific fault and plate boundary.

Eventually, when the strength of the rocks is exceeded or the stress becomes too intense, the stored energy is suddenly released, resulting in an earthquake. The release of this energy sends seismic waves, vibrations that propagate through the Earth's crust, causing the ground to shake.

It is important to note that while scientists can monitor and study the conditions that could lead to an earthquake, accurately predicting when and where an earthquake will occur is still a significant challenge.