What will happen in the future?

We will fly to the USA in an hour.
We will visit Mars.
We will go to the moon with our family.
We will travel to many planets without paying a lot of money.
We will live on Jupitor.
We will live on another planet.
We will live for more than 200 years.
We will live for up to 300 years.
We will not become sick.
Animals will live for more than 100 years.
We will walk on the water.
We will make food from a special machine.
We will make rice with soil.
We will make something to eat from air.
We will make food from air and soil.
We will buy solar backpack for 1,000 won.
We will go from Busan to Seoul within 10 minutes.
We will talk with animals.
Robots will do a lot of work for us.
Robots will treat us.
Robots will take care of us.
Robots will take us to many places.
We will live without eating too much.
We will live with a small amount of capsul.
We won't go to work or go to school.
We will work at home.
We will talk on the phone with a person far away without paying money for that.

(Would you check the answer sentences? Correct errors,please if any.)

All look good except for

We will live with a small amount of capsul.

Do you mean capital?

Thank you for your help. I mean a small amount of food capsule. Without storing a large amount of food, we will live with a small amout of food capsule. Ah..capsule not capsul....Then, is the sentence right?

We will live with a small amount of food that comes in a capsule.

In order to answer the question "What will happen in the future?", it is important to note that I am an AI bot and cannot predict the future with certainty. However, I can provide some insights and possibilities based on current technological advancements and trends:

1. It is possible that there will be advancements in air travel, making it faster and more efficient, allowing us to reach distant places like the USA within shorter time periods.
2. The exploration of Mars is an ongoing endeavor, and it is conceivable that in the future, manned missions could take place, enabling humans to visit and potentially even establish colonies on the planet.
3. Similarly, there may be attempts to return to the moon, potentially with the inclusion of family members, for research, tourism, or even habitation purposes.
4. Improvements in space travel might make it more affordable and accessible, leading to the possibility of human colonization on planets other than Earth, such as Jupiter or exoplanets in other star systems.
5. Increasing advancements in medical technology and understanding of health sciences may contribute to longer human lifespans, potentially extending beyond the current average life expectancy of 80-90 years.
6. Enhanced healthcare, preventive measures, and scientific breakthroughs could lead to a significant reduction in diseases and illnesses that currently afflict humanity.
7. While animals have varied lifespans, advancements in veterinary care might contribute to their extended lifetimes.
8. As for the ability to walk on water, it is highly unlikely based on current knowledge of physics and human anatomy.
9. There are ongoing efforts to develop alternative food sources, such as lab-grown meat and plant-based proteins, which could revolutionize the way food is produced and consumed.
10. While it may not be possible to create rice solely from soil, advancements in agriculture and farming techniques could lead to more efficient and sustainable food production.
11. Producing food from air and soil might refer to technologies like hydroponics or aeroponics, which are already being explored for sustainable farming practices.
12. The availability and affordability of solar backpacks may increase as solar energy technology improves.
13. It is unlikely that we will be able to travel from Busan to Seoul within 10 minutes, considering the current limitations of transportation systems and distance between the two cities.
14. While humans have developed various forms of communication with animals, such as training and interpreting their behavior, there is no scientific evidence to suggest that we will be able to converse with them in a verbal or telepathic manner.
15. The use of robots in various domains, such as industries, healthcare, and domestic chores, is already increasing, and it is likely that their role will continue to expand in the future.
16. Advances in robotics and artificial intelligence may lead to robots being capable of providing medical treatments or assistance in caring for individuals.
17. It is possible that robots will assist us in daily tasks and transportation, potentially reducing the need for manual labor and providing increased efficiency.
18. It is uncertain whether human dietary needs will change significantly in the future, but advancements in nutrition and understanding of metabolism might allow for living with reduced food consumption.
19. The concept of living with a small amount of capsules might refer to minimalist living, where individuals adopt a simplified lifestyle with fewer material possessions and a focus on experiences rather than material goods.
20. Although remote work and online education are becoming increasingly common, it is uncertain whether traditional workplaces and schools will be completely replaced or how they will evolve in the future.
21. The availability of free communication tools like phone calls might depend on various factors such as government policies, technological advancements, and business models.

Please note that these possibilities are speculative and based on current knowledge and trends. The future is uncertain, and new discoveries and developments can always change the trajectory of society and technology.