Which number sentence is true?

a. 5/14=5/9
b. 5/14>5/9
c. 5/9>5/14
d. 5/9=5/14

To determine which number sentence is true, we can compare the fractions 5/14 and 5/9.

To compare fractions, we can either find a common denominator and compare the numerators, or we can convert the fractions to decimals and compare the values.

Let's compare the fractions by finding a common denominator. The least common multiple (LCM) of 9 and 14 is 126.

Now, we can convert both fractions to have a denominator of 126:

a. 5/14 = (5/14) * (9/9) = 45/126
b. 5/9 = (5/9) * (14/14) = 70/126

Comparing the numerators, we see that 45 is less than 70.

Therefore, the correct number sentence is:

c. 5/9 > 5/14

To determine which number sentence is true, you can compare the two fractions by finding a common denominator.

Let's first find the common denominator for 5/14 and 5/9. The smallest number that both 14 and 9 can evenly divide into is 126. Therefore, we need to convert both fractions to have a denominator of 126.

For 5/14, we multiply both the numerator and denominator by 9 to get a denominator of 126:
(5/14) * (9/9) = 45/126

For 5/9, we multiply both the numerator and denominator by 14 to get a denominator of 126:
(5/9) * (14/14) = 70/126

Now we can compare the two fractions:

a. 5/14 = 5/9 (45/126 = 70/126) - This is not true because the denominators are the same, but the numerators are different.

b. 5/14 > 5/9 (45/126 > 70/126) - This is not true because the numerator of the first fraction (45) is smaller than the numerator of the second fraction (70).

c. 5/9 > 5/14 (70/126 > 45/126) - This is true because the numerator of the first fraction (70) is larger than the numerator of the second fraction (45).

d. 5/9 = 5/14 (70/126 = 45/126) - This is not true because the numerators are different.

Therefore, the correct answer is c. 5/9 > 5/14.

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