critically discuss five ways in which water pollution impacts on the community,provide relevant sources to support your claims.

To critically discuss the ways in which water pollution impacts the community, we need to analyze its effects on various aspects such as health, economy, ecosystem, and social welfare. Here are five ways in which water pollution can impact the community along with relevant sources to support these claims:

1. Health Impacts:
Water pollution has a significant impact on public health, resulting in various waterborne diseases. Contaminated water sources can lead to illnesses such as cholera, dysentery, and hepatitis. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), unsafe water sources cause around 485,000 diarrheal deaths each year.

Source: World Health Organization. (2019). Water sanitation hygiene. Retrieved from

2. Economic Consequences:
Water pollution can have adverse effects on local economies. Contaminated water bodies disrupt fishing industries, irrigation systems, and tourism, leading to economic losses. A study by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) estimated that poor water quality costs around $490 billion in economic losses annually.

Source: United Nations Environment Programme. (2010). Sick water? The central role of wastewater management in sustainable development. Retrieved from

3. Ecosystem Disturbance:
Water pollution disrupts ecosystems, affecting aquatic life, plants, and wildlife. Chemical pollutants, like pesticides or industrial waste, harm aquatic organisms and damage the food chain. According to a report by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), nutrient pollution causes harmful algal blooms, leading to fish kills and dead zones.

Source: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. (2019). Nutrient pollution. Retrieved from

4. Drinking Water Scarcity:
Water pollution reduces the availability of safe drinking water, leading to scarcity in affected communities. Pollutants can contaminate groundwater sources, making them unfit for human consumption. A report by the United Nations indicates that around 2.2 billion people lack safely managed drinking water services globally.

Source: United Nations. (2019). SDG 6 Synthesis Report 2018 on Water and Sanitation. Retrieved from

5. Social Inequality:
Water pollution disproportionately affects marginalized and vulnerable communities, exacerbating social inequalities. These communities often have limited access to clean water and sanitation, reducing their quality of life. The World Bank highlights that water pollution exacerbates poverty and deepens inequalities, particularly in developing countries.

Source: World Bank. (n.d.). Water pollution. Retrieved from

By considering these impacts, it becomes evident that mitigating water pollution is crucial for safeguarding public health, the environment, and the overall well-being of communities.