What is the difference between a general purpose and a specific purpose? How can writing a clear specific purpose help you put together a more effective speech

General: to get a good job

Specific: to study and get my BA degree and my teaching credential to teach high school biology.

The difference between a general purpose and a specific purpose is the level of focus and clarity in communicating your intent. When it comes to speechwriting, having a clear specific purpose is crucial for delivering an effective presentation.

A general purpose refers to the overall objective of your speech, which can fall into one of three categories: to inform, to persuade, or to entertain. These broad purposes provide a foundation for your speech but lack the necessary specificity to guide your content effectively.

On the other hand, a specific purpose narrows down your objective by clearly defining what you want to achieve with your speech and what action you want your audience to take. It specifies the particular outcome you hope to accomplish. For example, if your general purpose is to inform, your specific purpose could be to educate the audience about the importance of recycling and motivate them to adopt sustainable practices in their daily lives.

Writing a clear specific purpose helps you put together a more effective speech in several ways:

1. Focus: Having a specific purpose keeps your speech focused on a particular goal, helping you avoid unnecessary tangents or irrelevant information. It ensures that every aspect of your speech contributes to achieving your desired outcome.

2. Structure: A specific purpose acts as a blueprint for organizing your speech. It helps you determine what information to include, what examples or evidence to provide, and what arguments to make. This allows for a more logical and coherent flow of ideas, making your speech easier to follow and understand.

3. Audience Engagement: When your specific purpose is well-defined, it becomes easier to tailor your speech to the needs and interests of your audience. By understanding their perspective and addressing their concerns, you can captivate their attention and increase their engagement throughout your presentation.

4. Evaluation: A clear specific purpose provides a measurable criterion for evaluating the success of your speech. By setting specific goals, you can assess whether you have achieved them and make necessary adjustments if needed. This helps you deliver more impactful speeches over time.

To write a clear specific purpose, consider the following guidelines:

- Be concise: State your purpose in a single, focused sentence that clearly communicates the desired outcome.
- Be specific: Clearly define what you want to achieve and the action you want your audience to take.
- Be realistic: Ensure that your purpose is attainable within the given context, resources, and time frame.
- Be audience-oriented: Consider the interests, knowledge, and motivations of your audience when formulating your purpose.
- Be action-oriented: Use strong action verbs to describe the desired outcome and the action you want your audience to take.

By investing time and thought into crafting a clear specific purpose, you can significantly enhance the effectiveness of your speech and achieve your desired impact on the audience.