Jada, Nicholas, Nita, and Calvin shared $60. Jada received 1/2 of the total amount of money Nicholas, Nita, and Calvin received. Nicholas received 2/3 of the total amount of money Nita and Calvin received. Nita received 3 times as much as calvin.

(a) how much money did jada receive?
(b) how much more money did nicholas receive than calvin?

To solve this problem, let's break it down step by step:

Step 1: Assign variables
Let's assign variables to represent the amounts of money each person received:

Jada's amount = J
Nicholas's amount = N
Nita's amount = x
Calvin's amount = C

Step 2: Set up equations
From the given information, we can set up the following equations:

J = (1/2) * (N + x + C) (Jada received half of the total amount)
N = (2/3) * (x + C) (Nicholas received two-thirds of the total amount received by Nita and Calvin)
x = 3C (Nita received three times as much as Calvin)

Step 3: Solve for the variables

From the third equation, we can substitute x in terms of C into the second equation:

N = (2/3) * (3C + C)
N = (2/3) * 4C
N = (8/3) * C

Now substitute the values of N and x into the first equation:

J = (1/2) * ((8/3) * C + 3C + C)
J = (1/2) * ((8/3) * C + 4C)
J = (1/2) * (20/3) * C
J = (10/3) * C

Step 4: Find the values of the variables

To find the value of C, we consider that Jada, Nicholas, Nita, and Calvin shared $60 in total:

J + N + x + C = 60

Substituting the values of J and N in terms of C:

(10/3) * C + (8/3) * C + 3C + C = 60

Combining like terms:

(10C + 8C + 9C + 3C) / 3 = 60
(30C) / 3 = 60
10C = 60
C = 6

Now substitute the value of C back into the equations to find the other variables:

x = 3C = 3 * 6 = 18
N = (8/3) * C = (8/3) * 6 = 16
J = (10/3) * C = (10/3) * 6 = 20

Step 5: Answer the questions

(a) Jada received $20.
(b) Nicholas received $16, and Calvin received $6. Thus, Nicholas received $10 more than Calvin.

Therefore, the answers are:
(a) Jada received $20.
(b) Nicholas received $10 more than Calvin.


J=1/2 (Nk+Ni+C)
Nk=2/3 (Ni+C)

take first equation,put second in it.

3/2 Nk + 3/2Ni+3/2C=60
or Nk+Ni+C=40

Then J=20*****

Now take
Nk=2/3 (Ni+C)
to get Nk=2/3(4C=8/3 C
But 20=1/2 (Nk+Ni+C) or
40=8/3 C + 3C + C so figure C...