Ground beef costs $3.95 per pound at the grocery store. One customer spent $33.18 on ground beef for a BBQ. Choose the equation and solution that would correctly show how many pounds of ground beef the customer bought.

A. 3.95 ÷ x = 33.18; x = 37.13
B. 3.95x = 33.18; x = 8.4
C. x + 3.95 = 33.18; x = 29.23
D. 3.95 ÷ x = 33.18; x = 8.4

The correct equation and solution that would correctly show how many pounds of ground beef the customer bought is B. 3.95x = 33.18; x = 8.4


Let's assume the customer bought x pounds of ground beef.

Since the price of ground beef is $3.95 per pound, the total cost of x pounds of ground beef would be 3.95x dollars.

We are given that the customer spent $33.18 on ground beef, so we can set up the equation:
3.95x = 33.18

To find the value of x, we need to divide both sides of the equation by 3.95:
x = 33.18 ÷ 3.95

Evaluating the right side of the equation:
x = 8.4 pounds

Therefore, the solution is x = 8.4, meaning the customer bought 8.4 pounds of ground beef.

To determine the number of pounds of ground beef the customer bought, we need to divide the total cost by the cost per pound.

The correct equation to represent this situation is:

3.95x = 33.18

where x represents the number of pounds of ground beef the customer bought.

To solve for x, we need to isolate it on one side of the equation.

Dividing both sides of the equation by 3.95, we get:

x = 33.18 / 3.95

Evaluating this expression, we find:

x ≈ 8.4

Therefore, the correct equation and solution are:

B. 3.95x = 33.18; x = 8.4

The customer bought approximately 8.4 pounds of ground beef.