-4, 8, -16, 32

arithmetic 64, 128, 256
geometric -64, 128, -256
Geometric -48, 64, -80
the sequence is neither geometric nor arithmetic

Is it b?

miss sue?

damn all the way in 2013 and you never got answered

To determine whether a sequence is arithmetic or geometric, we need to examine the pattern of the numbers.

An arithmetic sequence is one in which there is a common difference between each pair of consecutive terms. In other words, by adding or subtracting the same value to each term, we obtain the next term.

A geometric sequence, on the other hand, is one in which there is a common ratio between each pair of consecutive terms. By multiplying or dividing the same value to each term, we obtain the next term.

Let's break down each sequence:

Sequence 1: -4, 8, -16, 32
To check if it is arithmetic, we need to see if there is a common difference between each pair of consecutive terms. Take the difference between each term: 8 - (-4) = 12, -16 - 8 = -24, and 32 - (-16) = 48. As the differences are not the same, this sequence is not arithmetic.

To check if it is geometric, we need to see if there is a common ratio between each pair of consecutive terms. Take the ratio between each term: 8 / (-4) = -2, -16 / 8 = -2, and 32 / (-16) = -2. As the ratios are the same (-2), this sequence is geometric.

Sequence 2: 64, 128, 256
To check if it is arithmetic, we need to see if there is a common difference between each pair of consecutive terms. Take the difference between each term: 128 - 64 = 64 and 256 - 128 = 128. As the differences are not the same, this sequence is not arithmetic.

To check if it is geometric, we need to see if there is a common ratio between each pair of consecutive terms. Take the ratio between each term: 128 / 64 = 2 and 256 / 128 = 2. As the ratios are the same (2), this sequence is geometric.

Sequence 3: -64, 128, -256
To check if it is arithmetic, we need to see if there is a common difference between each pair of consecutive terms. Take the difference between each term: 128 - (-64) = 192 and (-256) - 128 = -384. As the differences are not the same, this sequence is not arithmetic.

To check if it is geometric, we need to see if there is a common ratio between each pair of consecutive terms. Take the ratio between each term: 128 / (-64) = -2 and (-256) / 128 = -2. As the ratios are the same (-2), this sequence is geometric.

Sequence 4: -48, 64, -80
To check if it is arithmetic, we need to see if there is a common difference between each pair of consecutive terms. Take the difference between each term: 64 - (-48) = 112 and (-80) - 64 = -144. As the differences are not the same, this sequence is not arithmetic.

To check if it is geometric, we need to see if there is a common ratio between each pair of consecutive terms. Take the ratio between each term: 64 / (-48) = -4/3 and (-80) / 64 = -5/4. As the ratios are not the same, this sequence is not geometric.

Based on the analysis above, only the second sequence (64, 128, 256) is geometric, while the rest are neither geometric nor arithmetic.