the function rule C = 10n + 26 relates the number of people n who attend a small concert to the cost in dollars C of the concert. Make a table of the input/output pairs to show the cost if 27, 39, and 43 people attend.

Please help me i don't know how to do it?

you have to make it with your keyboard



is n/a right?

To create a table of input/output pairs using the given function rule C = 10n + 26, we need to substitute the values of n into the equation to calculate the corresponding values of C.

Let's start by substituting n = 27 into the equation:
C = 10n + 26
C = 10(27) + 26
C = 270 + 26
C = 296

So, when 27 people attend the concert, the cost will be $296.

Now, let's substitute n = 39 into the equation:
C = 10n + 26
C = 10(39) + 26
C = 390 + 26
C = 416

Therefore, when 39 people attend the concert, the cost will be $416.

Lastly, substitute n = 43 into the equation:
C = 10n + 26
C = 10(43) + 26
C = 430 + 26
C = 456

So, when 43 people attend the concert, the cost will be $456.

To summarize, the table of input/output pairs for the given function rule is as follows:

| Number of People (n) | Cost (C) |
| 27 | $296 |
| 39 | $416 |
| 43 | $456 |

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.