

I appreciate you giving me the answer but can you show me how you got the answer if you don't mind.

collect x's on one side, numbers on the other:

5x = 16

To solve the equation 8 - 3x = 2x - 8, we need to find the value of x that makes both sides of the equation equal.

Step 1: Start by simplifying the equation by combining like terms.

On the left side, we have 8 - 3x. On the right side, we have 2x - 8.

8 - 3x = 2x - 8

Step 2: Move all the terms with x to one side of the equation by adding 3x to both sides and subtracting 2x from both sides.

8 - 3x + 3x = 2x - 8 + 3x - 2x

8 = 5x - 8

Step 3: Move all the constants to the other side by adding 8 to both sides.

8 + 8 = 5x - 8 + 8

16 = 5x

Step 4: Divide both sides of the equation by 5 to isolate the variable x.

16/5 = 5x/5

x = 16/5

So, the solution to the equation 8 - 3x = 2x - 8 is x = 16/5.