The practice of high risk sexual behaviour amongst teenagers.describe The lifestyle disease/behaviour.mention 5(or more)factors that contributes the disease/behaviour

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Risky behaviour

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is when the person make bad decision

Types of risk behavior

High-risk sexual behavior among teenagers refers to engaging in activities that place them at an increased risk of negative consequences, such as unplanned pregnancies, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and emotional distress. These behaviors can include having unprotected sex, multiple sexual partners, engaging in early sexual activity, using drugs or alcohol before sex, and exchanging sex for money or drugs. It is important to note that high-risk sexual behavior is not a disease itself but rather a risky behavior that can lead to various negative health outcomes.

Factors that contribute to high-risk sexual behavior among teenagers can be categorized into individual, social, and environmental factors. Here are five common factors:

1. Lack of comprehensive sex education: Insufficient knowledge about safe sex practices, contraception methods, and the consequences of risky sexual behavior can contribute to engaging in high-risk activities.

To address this factor and gain more knowledge, teenagers can:
- Seek out formal sex education programs provided by schools or community organizations.
- Look for reputable online resources that provide accurate information about sexual health.

2. Peer influence and pressure: Teenagers may feel pressured to engage in high-risk sexual behavior due to the influence of their peers or a desire to fit in and be accepted.

To deal with peer influence and pressure, teenagers can:
- Surround themselves with friends who support and promote healthy decision-making.
- Develop assertiveness skills to say no to unwanted sexual situations.

3. Lack of parental or guardian involvement: Insufficient parental guidance in matters related to sexual health and healthy relationships can contribute to high-risk sexual behavior.

To overcome this challenge, teenagers can:
- Initiate open and honest conversations with their parents or guardians about sexual health and responsible behavior.
- Seek guidance from trusted adults or professionals in the field of sexual health.

4. Substance abuse: The use of drugs or alcohol can impair judgment and decision-making, leading to engaging in risky sexual behavior.

To prevent substance abuse-related high-risk behavior, teenagers can:
- Educate themselves about the potential consequences of combining substance use with sexual activity.
- Develop strategies to resist peer pressure related to substance abuse.

5. Media influence: Media, including television shows, movies, music videos, and online content, can sometimes depict casual and risky sexual behavior as normal or desirable, influencing teenagers' attitudes and behaviors.

To counteract negative media influence, teenagers can:
- Be critical consumers of media and consciously question the messages it promotes.
- Seek out positive and educational content that emphasizes healthy relationships and responsible sexual behavior.

It is important to note that addressing these factors and promoting safe and responsible sexual behavior requires a multi-faceted approach involving comprehensive sex education, support from parents and caregivers, peer support, and community resources.