Can a solution of CrCl3 be stored in an aluminum container? I did the math part- E= 2.45 (approx)

yes u were right now can u solve my question plese(shrish)

I did the math part - E= -2.42

To determine whether a solution of CrCl3 can be stored in an aluminum container, we need to consider the potential reaction between the solution and the container.

1. Start by examining the reactivity series: The reactivity series is a list that ranks metals in order of their reactivity. Aluminum is higher in the series than chromium. This suggests that aluminum is more reactive than chromium.

2. Consider the solubility of CrCl3: CrCl3 is a soluble compound. When dissolved in water, it dissociates into positive chromium ions (Cr3+) and negative chloride ions (Cl-).

3. Evaluate potential reactions: Aluminum is known to react with chloride ions in the presence of water, forming aluminum chloride (AlCl3). This reaction occurs due to the higher reactivity of aluminum compared to chromium.

Based on this information, it is not advisable to store a solution of CrCl3 in an aluminum container. The aluminum container is likely to react with the chloride ions in the solution, leading to the formation of aluminum chloride, which may corrode the container and contaminate the solution.

It is more suitable to store CrCl3 solution in a container made from a material that is compatible with the solution, such as glass or plastic.