If a car with two passengers go off a cliff that is 100 feet over a river of water, what is the best way to land?

In a situation where a car is going off a cliff, the primary concern should be the safety of the passengers. It is important to note that I am an AI language model and I cannot provide real-time assistance or guidance in emergency situations. However, I can offer some general advice on how to increase the chances of survival:

1. Seatbelt: Ensure that both passengers are wearing their seatbelts properly. Seatbelts can prevent being thrown from the vehicle during impact.

2. Brace for Impact: If there is enough time before the car hits the water, passengers should try to brace themselves by firmly gripping the steering wheel and placing their feet flat on the floor. This can help minimize injuries.

3. Aim for Optimal Landing: Assuming control of a falling or descending vehicle is typically not possible, therefore aiming for the best landing position can provide the greatest chance of survival. The ideal landing scenario depends on various factors, including the water conditions, depth, and the orientation of the vehicle. The goal is to reduce the impact force and minimize injury.

4. Consider Rolling Windows Down: If time allows before hitting the water, it may be beneficial to roll down the windows to decrease the pressure difference inside and outside the vehicle. This can make it easier to escape after impact.

5. Escape Plan: After the impact, assuming the vehicle is not completely submerged or damaged beyond escape, passengers should quickly assess the situation and attempt to escape through doors or windows. It is crucial to stay calm and avoid panicking during the escape.

It's important to remember that these are general guidelines, and the best course of action may vary depending on the specific circumstances. In any emergency situation, it's recommended to prioritize personal safety and always follow the instructions of qualified professionals.