Identify and name fallancy below and explain.

This measure is of sufficient importance that our representatives should have the integrity to bring it to a vote.

Please help,

thank you,

Here are two really good websites which list and explain fallacies. If you concentrate on the phrase "should have the integrity," you should be able to figure this out.



I believed, the fallancy was a scapegoating because the author was blaming the representatives should have the integrity.

Please advices,

The fallacy in the given statement is known as a "fallacy of relevance" or the "appeal to integrity" fallacy.

The fallacy of relevance occurs when an argument or claim is made that seems convincing or persuasive, but is actually irrelevant to the issue at hand. In this case, the speaker is arguing that because a measure is of significant importance, representatives should have the integrity to bring it to a vote. However, the issue of whether the measure is important or not is separate from the question of whether the representatives should bring it to a vote. The argument appeals to the idea of integrity, which may seem valid on the surface, but it does not address the specific reasons or circumstances that may be preventing the measure from being brought to a vote.

To identify this fallacy, you should focus on whether the argument or claim being made is directly relevant to the issue being discussed. In this case, the importance of the measure does not address the specific reasons or conditions that may affect why the representatives have not brought it to a vote.