If you were going to compare & contrast FDR and LBJ what aspects of their lives would you compare what aspects would you contrast. I am writing a paper on them and what to get some ideas and see what other people think is important, in the end I will choose my own topics, just curious.

This is not a website on which you should be taking surveys!




That is why I posted here in the first place I don't know what aspects to compare and what to contrast. I don't need help with anything else. this is a homework help website isn't it?

To compare and contrast Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR) and Lyndon B. Johnson (LBJ), you can focus on various aspects of their lives and presidencies. Here are some potential areas of comparison and contrast:

1. Political background and rise to power:
- Compare: Both FDR and LBJ had successful political careers before becoming presidents. They held various elected positions and gained experience in government.
- Contrast: FDR came from a wealthy and privileged background, while LBJ came from a humble background in rural Texas. This difference in upbringing influenced their perspectives and approaches to governance.

2. Response to economic challenges:
- Compare: Both FDR and LBJ faced significant economic challenges during their presidencies. They implemented programs to combat the Great Depression (FDR) and address poverty (LBJ) through initiatives such as the New Deals and the Great Society.
- Contrast: FDR's response to the Great Depression focused on government intervention and relief programs, creating large-scale employment opportunities. In contrast, LBJ's approach emphasized a "war on poverty" through social policy, education reforms, and the establishment of Medicare and Medicaid.

3. Approach to civil rights:
- Compare: Both presidents recognized the importance of addressing racial inequality in America.
- Contrast: FDR's advocacy for civil rights was relatively limited, particularly due to the political constraints of the time. On the other hand, LBJ was instrumental in passing landmark civil rights legislation, including the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

4. Foreign policy:
- Compare: FDR and LBJ faced significant foreign policy challenges during their presidencies, including World War II for FDR and the Vietnam War for LBJ.
- Contrast: FDR's foreign policy centered on the Allies' defeat of Nazi Germany and imperial Japan, while LBJ's foreign policy was primarily focused on containing communism and the Vietnam War.

Remember, these are just some possible points to consider. It's essential to dive deeper into each president's specific policies and accomplishments to draw accurate and meaningful comparisons and contrasts. Good luck with your paper!

I'm not taking a survey!I'm simply asking advice geez.I already have sources.

" ... and see what other people think is important ... "

Sounds surveyish to me!

Anyway, once you figure out what you will compare (similarities) and what you will contrast (differences), let us know, and someone here will be able to help.