Evaluate each expression if x= 2.1 y =0.031 and z = 3.05

22. xy+z

23. y+xz

24. x X 13.55 i y

22 and 23 are right.

I don't know about 24.

I meant -y

24. I get 28.424

Check my math.

How did you get these answers

24. Is so wrong it hurts.

To evaluate each expression using the given values, you simply substitute the values of x, y, and z into the expressions.

22. xy + z

Substitute x = 2.1, y = 0.031, and z = 3.05 into the expression:
22 * 2.1 * 0.031 + 3.05
= 1.449 + 3.05
= 4.499

So, 22xy + z evaluated when x = 2.1, y = 0.031, and z = 3.05 is 4.499.

23. y + xz

Substitute x = 2.1, y = 0.031, and z = 3.05 into the expression:
0.031 + 2.1 * 3.05
= 0.031 + 6.355
= 6.386

So, y + xz evaluated when x = 2.1, y = 0.031, and z = 3.05 is 6.386.

24. x * 13.55 * y

Substitute x = 2.1, y = 0.031 into the expression:
2.1 * 13.55 * 0.031
= 27.424

So, x * 13.55 * y evaluated when x = 2.1, y = 0.031, and z = 3.05 is 27.424.