Evaluate each expression if x=5.07 y=1.5 and z= 0.403




I think you may have a typo in your first problem.

Here's what I get for the second.

(1.5 * 0.403) + 5.07 =

0.6045 + 5.07 = 5.6745

oh I thought I had to multiply yz for second problem

Yes. I multiplied y times z. We use * to mean multiply.

To evaluate the expression 7.3.2x+y where x=5.07 and y=1.5, follow these steps:

1. Replace the variable x with 5.07:
7.3.2(5.07) + y

2. Simplify the multiplication:
7.3 * 2(5.07) + y

3. Simplify the multiplication within the parentheses:
7.3 * 10.14 + y

4. Evaluate the previous multiplication:
74.022 + y

5. Replace the variable y with 1.5:
74.022 + 1.5

6. Add the numbers together:

Therefore, the value of 7.3.2x+y when x=5.07 and y=1.5 is 75.522.

Similarly, to evaluate the expression 16.224, there is no need for any variable or further calculations. The value of 16.224 remains the same regardless of the values of x, y, or z.