This box plot shows the heights in inches of girls on a freshman basketball team. What would you say is a typical height of a team member?

I can't show the box plot on here, but I would like to know what a "typical height" is. Like is this asking for an average height or median height?

It is a vague term that could stand for any of the measures of central tendency.

To determine the "typical height" of a team member from the given box plot, we need to identify whether it refers to the average height (mean) or the central value (median).

The box plot displays the distribution of heights, indicating the minimum, first quartile (Q1), median (Q2 or the second quartile), third quartile (Q3), and maximum values. The location of the median within the box plot can provide insight into the central tendency of the data.

If the median is represented by the line inside the box, it gives you an estimate of the typical height. In this case, the median height of the team members would be considered the typical height.

On the other hand, if the box plot provides information about the mean or average height, you would need to calculate the mean of the data points given. This would be the typical height in that scenario.

Without seeing the box plot directly, it is challenging to determine which measure of central tendency is being referred to.