Most of the asians who immigrated to the united states in the 1850s came because

a.) Of available work

b.) Of the rumor of a "golden mountain" in california"

c.) they were forceds to flee due to collapes of the japanese economy

d.) none of these

To quote Ms. Sue: "Asian-Americans come from all of the over 50 Asian countries -- China, Russia, Japan, Taiwan, Vietnam, South Korea, Laos, Turkey, Thailand, Myanmar (Burma), India, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Iran, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, UAE, Jordan, Syria, etc., etc. These people represent many different races, religions, and cultures."

You need to be more specific.

well i've only got what my paper gives me. but i'd assume it is talking about chinese, considering those were the main asian immigrants at the time

or maybe japanese, since that's in one of the answers

"golden mountain in California" -- isn't that usually associated with the numbers of Chinese men (and eventually women) who came in when the Gold Rush was occurring? It started in 1849 and continued from there.

And yes, there's the reference to the Japanese economy.

So ... what does your text say? What do YOU THINK.

To determine the correct answer, let's break down each option and explain how to arrive at the answer:

a.) Of available work: The 1850s was a time of significant economic expansion in the United States, especially due to the California Gold Rush. Asians were among many immigrants attracted to the opportunities for work and wealth.

b.) Of the rumor of a "golden mountain" in California: The California Gold Rush (1848-1855) attracted people from all over the world, including many Asians. The discovery of gold in California created a myth of a "golden mountain," which spread and enticed people to travel there in search of wealth.

c.) They were forced to flee due to the collapse of the Japanese economy: This option is incorrect for the 1850s because the Japanese economy did not experience a collapse during that time period. It is important to consider historical context when assessing answer options.

d.) None of these: This option can be considered if the previous options are determined to be incorrect.

Based on the explanations provided, the most plausible answer is:

b.) Of the rumor of a "golden mountain" in California