Use the text box below to do a five-minute free-writing session. Time yourself. If you would like to try again, give yourself another five minutes. Remember, this is free-writing. You may type whatever you like. This section of your submission will not be graded, but you are required to do the free-writing.

Don't know what to write about. Any suggestions.

If you're feeling stuck and don't know what to write about for your free-writing session, here are a few suggestions to get your creative juices flowing:

1. Write about your surroundings: Describe the room you're in, the colors, textures, sounds, and any emotions it evokes in you.
2. Reflect on your day: Think about any interesting events or encounters you've had, and explore how they made you feel or what thoughts they triggered.
3. Imagine a different world: Create a fictional scenario or alternate reality and let your imagination run wild. Think about how things would be different and explore this new setting.
4. Write about a favorite memory: Recall a positive and vivid memory from your past. Try to recreate the scene in as much detail as possible, reliving the emotions and sensory experiences.
5. Explore a thought or question: Think of a philosophical or thought-provoking question, and spend the session exploring different perspectives, possible answers, or even further questions.

Remember, the purpose of free-writing is to let your thoughts flow without judgment or restraint. Don't worry about grammar, punctuation, or spelling mistakes – just let your ideas pour onto the page. Set a timer for five minutes, and start writing whatever comes to mind. Enjoy the process of discovering where your thoughts take you!