23 times 17


To find the product of 23 times 17, you simply multiply the two numbers together.

Here's how you can do it step by step:

1. Write down the numbers you want to multiply: 23 and 17.
2. Start by multiplying the ones digit of the first number (3) by the ones digit of the second number (7). This gives you 3 times 7, which equals 21.
3. Write down the ones digit of the result, which is 1, and carry the tens digit (2) to the next step.
4. Now, multiply the tens digit of the first number (2) by the ones digit of the second number (7). This gives you 2 times 7, which equals 14.
5. Add the carried tens digit (2) to the result of the multiplication: 14 + 2 = 16.
6. Write down the tens digit of the result, which is 6, and carry the hundreds digit (1) to the next step.
7. Next, multiply the ones digit of the first number (3) by the tens digit of the second number (1). This gives you 3 times 1, which equals 3.
8. Add the carried hundreds digit (1) to the result of the multiplication: 3 + 1 = 4.
9. Write down the hundreds digit of the result, which is 4.
10. The final result is obtained by combining all the digits: 391.

So, 23 times 17 equals 391.