Help is what I need.. and unfortunately I need this in like 2 computer crashed with all my work so please anyone help...

Write a console application that has a furniture and appliance dealership
needs you to create a sales screen to allow the salesperson to figure out a customer’s order.
Sales person will need to be able to Calculate order total
Clear (ability to reset an order if needed)
Exit Screen needs to have company name, address, and phone.
Allow the salesperson to select from 5 pieces of furniture or appliances (your choice), the selection will be made from a list on the screen; the list will include furniture or appliances plus prices.
Screen needs to have:
List of 5 items with their product number and price.
Product number 1 – 5
Number of items ordered
Months to pay

Product ordered name and amount
Number of items ordered
Months to pay
Monthly payment
Total amount of order
Calculated screen needs to show their choice of the above items, calculated total price and monthly payment.

To create a console application that fulfills the requirements you provided, you can follow these steps:

1. Open your preferred Integrated Development Environment (IDE), such as Visual Studio or Eclipse, and create a new console application project.

2. Define the company name, address, and phone number as variables within the application. These can be stored as strings.

3. Create a menu for the salesperson to select from. You can use a numbered list with options for the furniture or appliances. For example:

1. Sofa - $500
2. Dining table - $300
3. Refrigerator - $800
4. Bed - $700
5. Television - $600

4. Prompt the salesperson to enter the product number of the item they want to add to the order. Read and store the input.

5. Prompt the salesperson to enter the number of items ordered and months to pay. Read and store this information as well.

6. Use the stored product number to retrieve the corresponding price from a data structure such as an array or a dictionary.

7. Calculate the total price of the order by multiplying the price of the item by the number of items ordered.

8. Calculate the monthly payment by dividing the total price by the number of months to pay.

9. Display the order details, including the product name, number of items ordered, months to pay, monthly payment, and total amount of the order.

10. Provide options to the salesperson, such as a clear/reset option to start a new order or an exit option to quit the application.

11. Implement logic to handle these options based on the salesperson's choice. For example, if they choose to clear, reset all the variables to their initial values.

12. Add the company name, address, and phone number to the final output screen.

13. Test the application by running it and going through the desired scenarios.

These steps should help you get started on creating the console application with the required functionalities. Remember to handle user input validation and error-checking as needed to ensure the application functions properly.