a ball is dropped from a point heiht above the ground.on striking the ball it rebounds with a small speed as it strikes with the ground and would hence come up to same height from were it was dropped and motion remained infinetly?draw x-t gaphs?

To draw x-t graphs for this scenario, we can use the following steps:

Step 1: Define the motion:
In this scenario, the ball is dropped from a certain height above the ground and rebounds with a smaller speed upon striking the ground. It is mentioned that the motion remains infinite, meaning the ball will continue bouncing up and down indefinitely.

Step 2: Identify the variables:
We need to identify the variables involved in this motion. In this case, we can use:
- x: representing the vertical position of the ball (height above the ground)
- t: representing time

Step 3: Determine the motion equations:
To represent the motion of the ball on an x-t graph, we need to express the relationship between the variables x and t. In this scenario, the ball bounces back to the same height it was dropped, indicating that it undergoes simple harmonic motion.

A common equation representing simple harmonic motion is:
x = A * sin(ωt + φ)

- A: amplitude (maximum displacement from the equilibrium position)
- ω: angular frequency (related to the period of motion)
- φ: phase angle (initial phase at t = 0)

Step 4: Interpretation of the scenario:
Since the ball rebounds to the same height it was dropped, the amplitude (A) in the equation will be equal to the initial height of the ball. The angular frequency (ω) determines how quickly the motion repeats, and the phase angle (φ) determines the position of the ball at t = 0.

Step 5: Draw the x-t graph:
To draw the x-t graph, plot the position (x) on the y-axis and time (t) on the x-axis. Use the equation from step 3 to plot points on the graph. Since the motion is infinite, you can continue the pattern of the graph indefinitely.

The graph will resemble a wave oscillating above and below the x-axis with a certain amplitude, frequency, and phase angle.

Note: Without specific values for the amplitude, angular frequency, and phase angle, the exact shape and scale of the x-t graph cannot be determined.