Update the data in the Employees table so that employees with the following managers are listed as working in the following departments:

The UPDATE statement in SQL. I cant figure the statement, I keep getting syntax error. Help.

ReportsTo Department

Andrew Fuller Sales
Steven Buchannan Marketing
All Others CEO

To update the data in the Employees table in SQL, you can use the UPDATE statement. The syntax for the UPDATE statement is as follows:

UPDATE table_name
SET column1 = value1, column2 = value2, ...
WHERE condition;

In your case, you want to update the "Department" column for employees based on their managers. Here's an example of how you can write the UPDATE statement for this:

UPDATE Employees
SET Department = CASE
WHEN ReportsTo = 'Andrew Fuller' THEN 'Sales'
WHEN ReportsTo = 'Steven Buchannan' THEN 'Marketing'

In this statement, we use the CASE statement inside the SET clause to specify different values for the "Department" column based on the value of the "ReportsTo" column. If an employee's "ReportsTo" value matches any of the specified conditions, their "Department" value will be updated accordingly. Otherwise, it will be set to 'CEO'.

Make sure you replace 'Andrew Fuller' and 'Steven Buchannan' with the actual names of the managers in your Employees table. Also, ensure that the table name and column names match your schema.

Remember to test the statement before executing it in production and create a backup of your data to avoid any unintended data manipulation.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.