The attendance at the school play on Friday was 95% of the attendance on Saturday night. If 203 people attended on Saturday night, estimate how many attended on Friday night.

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.95 * 203 = ?

Yes, that's my real name.

To estimate the number of people who attended the school play on Friday night, we can first determine the attendance percentage on Friday compared to Saturday.

The given information states that the attendance on Friday was 95% of the attendance on Saturday. This means that the number of people who attended on Friday is a fraction of 95/100 of the attendance on Saturday.

To find the estimated number of people who attended on Friday, we can use the following formula:
Estimated Attendance on Friday = Attendance on Saturday * (95/100)

Now let's plug in the values given:
Estimated Attendance on Friday = 203 * (95/100)

To calculate this, we need to find 95% of 203. We multiply 203 by 95/100 to get the estimated attendance on Friday.

Estimated Attendance on Friday = 203 * (95/100) = 192.85

Since we can't have a fraction of a person attending, we round the answer to the nearest whole number. Therefore, the estimated attendance at the school play on Friday night is approximately 193 people.