Describe Ralph's physical features and also his reaction to being on the island

What did Ralph look like?

How did he feel about being on the island?

These two sites will help you with that question.

To describe Ralph's physical features, we can refer to the details provided in William Golding's novel, "Lord of the Flies." According to the book, Ralph is described as a fair-haired boy with a lean and athletic build. He has a prominent nose and bright blue eyes. Ralph's physical appearance is often associated with a sense of leadership and authority among the boys on the island.

Now, let's discuss Ralph's initial reaction to being on the island. When Ralph first finds himself stranded on the island due to a plane crash, he experiences a range of emotions. At first, he feels a sense of excitement and freedom, as the absence of adults and rules allows him to explore without restrictions. However, as reality sets in and he realizes the seriousness of their situation, Ralph becomes anxious and concerned. He's determined to establish order and find a way to get rescued. Ultimately, Ralph emerges as a natural leader, driven by a sense of responsibility and the desire to maintain civility among the boys.