Q1: Whose family often joins Sonya's family for dinner?

1. Anton's family.
2. Anton's fmaily does.
3. Anton's family often does.
4. Anton's family often joins her family ofr dinner.
5. It's Anton's family.
6. They are Anton's family.

(Which answers are grammatical? Are all acceptable? Wghich ones are common answers?)

Q2: Who often joins Sonya's family for dinner?
1. Anton's family.
2. Anton's fmaily does.
3. Anton's family often does.
4. Anton's family often joins her family ofr dinner.
5. It's Anton's family.
6. They are Anton's family.

(Which answers are grammatical? Are all acceptable? Wghich ones are common answers?)

For both questions -- Answers 1-4 are fine, as long as you correct the spelling for "family" and "for." Answers 1 and 2 would be most commonly used.

In both questions, the correct answer is option 3: "Anton's family often does." This is the most grammatically correct and commonly used answer. Options 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6 are not grammatically incorrect, but they are less preferred and less commonly used. Options 1 and 5 lack the verb "does" and may sound incomplete or less natural. Option 2 repeats the same information unnecessarily. Option 4 is unnecessarily long and redundant. Option 6 does not specify the action of joining for dinner.