Austin and Kaitlyn Kojan invested $195,000 in a business venture. If Kaitlyn invested 2 ¼ times as much as Austin invested, how much money did Kaitlyn invest? (Points : 2)

amount invested by Austin --- x

amount invested by Kaitlyn --- 2 ¼(x) = 9x/4

x + 9x/4 = 195000
4x + 9x = 780000
13x = 780000
x = 60000

Kaitlyn --- (9/4)(60000) = 135000

check: 135000/60000 = 2.25 or 9/4

Let's call the amount Austin invested as "x".

According to the given information, Kaitlyn invested 2 ¼ times as much as Austin invested.
This means Kaitlyn invested 2.25 times x.
Therefore, the equation can be set up as:
x + 2.25x = 195,000
Combining like terms:
3.25x = 195,000
Dividing both sides by 3.25:
x = 195,000 ÷ 3.25
x = 60,000
Therefore, Austin invested $60,000.
To find out how much Kaitlyn invested, we can substitute the value of x back into the equation:
2.25x = 2.25(60,000)
2.25 x 60,000 = 135,000
Therefore, Kaitlyn invested $135,000.

To find out how much money Kaitlyn invested, we first need to find out how much Austin invested. Let's denote Austin's investment as x dollars.

According to the given information, we know that Kaitlyn invested 2 ¼ times as much as Austin invested. So, Kaitlyn's investment can be expressed as 2.25x.

We also know that the total investment by both Austin and Kaitlyn is $195,000. To find Kaitlyn's investment, we can sum the investments of Austin and Kaitlyn and set it equal to $195,000:

x + 2.25x = 195,000

To simplify the equation, we can combine like terms on the left side:

3.25x = 195,000

To isolate x, we can divide both sides of the equation by 3.25:

3.25x / 3.25 = 195,000 / 3.25

This simplifies to:

x = 60,000

Thus, Austin invested $60,000. To find Kaitlyn's investment, we can substitute this value into the expression for Kaitlyn's investment:

Kaitlyn's investment = 2.25 * Austin's investment
Kaitlyn's investment = 2.25 * 60,000
Kaitlyn's investment = $135,000

Therefore, Kaitlyn invested $135,000.