You are interested in purchasing a wide-screen television set at Target. On this type of TV, the ratio of screen width to screen height is 16 to 9. If a certain model you are considering has a screen width of 48 inches, what is the height of the screen (in inches)?

You are interested in purchasing a wide-screen television set at Target. On this type of TV, the ratio of screen width to screen height is 16 to 9. If a certain model you are considering has a screen width of 48 inches, what is the height of the screen (in inches)?

To find the height of the screen, we need to use the ratio of screen width to screen height, which is given as 16 to 9.

First, let's set up a proportion using the given ratio:

Screen width / Screen height = 16 / 9

Next, we can substitute the given screen width of 48 inches into the proportion:

48 / Screen height = 16 / 9

To solve for the height of the screen, we will cross-multiply:

16 * Screen height = 9 * 48

16 * Screen height = 432

Now, to isolate the height, we divide both sides of the equation by 16:

Screen height = 432 / 16

Screen height = 27 inches

Therefore, the height of the screen is 27 inches.