show that 1-sin x/cosx + cosx/1-sin x = 2 sec x

To prove that the given equation 1 - sin x / cos x + cos x / 1 - sin x = 2 sec x is true, we need to simplify both sides of the equation and show that they are equal.

Let's start by simplifying the left-hand side of the equation:
1 - sin x / cos x + cos x / 1 - sin x

To combine the fractions with different denominators, we need to find a common denominator. In this case, the common denominator is (cos x)(1 - sin x):

(1 - sin x)(1 - sin x) / (cos x)(1 - sin x) + (cos x)(cos x) / (1 - sin x)(cos x)

Simplifying further:

(1 - sin^2 x) / (cos x - sin x cos x) + cos^2 x / (cos x - sin x cos x)

Using the identity sin^2 x + cos^2 x = 1:

(1 - cos^2 x) / (cos x - sin x cos x) + cos^2 x / (cos x - sin x cos x)

Now, factoring out (cos x - sin x cos x) as a common denominator:

[(1 - cos^2 x) + cos^2 x] / (cos x - sin x cos x)

Simplifying the numerator:

(1 - cos^2 x + cos^2 x) / (cos x - sin x cos x)

The terms -cos^2 x and cos^2 x cancel out:

1 / (cos x - sin x cos x)

Now, multiply both the numerator and the denominator by sec x:

[1 * sec x] / [(cos x - sin x cos x) * sec x]

Using the identity sec x = 1 / cos x:

sec x / (cos x - sin x cos x)

Factor out cos x from the denominator:

sec x / [cos x(1 - sin x)]

Using the identity 1 - sin x = cos^2 x:

sec x / [cos x(cos^2 x)]

Now, cancel out the common factor of cos x:

sec x / (cos^3 x)

Using the identity sec x = 1 / cos x:

(1 / cos x) / (cos^3 x)

Dividing the fractions:

1 / (cos x * cos^3 x)

Using the identity cos^3 x = (cos x)^3:

1 / (cos^4 x)

Recall that sec x is defined as 1 / cos x:

1 / (cos^4 x) = 1 / (sec^4 x)

Therefore, the left-hand side of the equation simplifies to:

1 - sin x / cos x + cos x / 1 - sin x = 1 / (sec^4 x) = sec^(-4) x

Since sec^(-4) x is the same as 1 / (sec^4 x) and the right-hand side of the equation is 2 sec x, we can see that:

sec^(-4) x = 2 sec x

Taking the reciprocal of both sides of the equation:

1 / sec^4 x = 2 / sec x

Using the fact that sec x = 1 / cos x:

cos^4 x = 2 cos x

Dividing both sides of the equation by cos x:

cos^3 x = 2

Since the left-hand side of the equation is a cube, we can conclude that:

cos x = cube root of 2

Therefore, the equation is true for the values of x where cos x is equal to the cube root of 2.