A trail mix contains a 4: 7 ratio of raisins to peanuts. How many kilograms of raisins are there if there are four kilograms of peanuts in the mix?

4/7 = x/4

Cross multiply and solve for x

To find the number of kilograms of raisins in the mix, we need to use the given ratio of raisins to peanuts.

First, let's set up a proportion based on the ratio:

4 (kg of peanuts) / 7 (kg of raisins) = 4 (kg of peanuts from the ratio) / x (kg of raisins that we want to find)

Next, we can cross-multiply and solve for x:

4 * x = 7 * 4

4x = 28

Now, divide both sides of the equation by 4 to isolate x:

x = 28 / 4

x = 7

So, there are 7 kilograms of raisins in the trail mix.