Mark uses 1 pt 9 fl oz and then 2 pt 10 fl oz from a container of film

developer that holds 3 qt. How much of the developer remains?

1 pint = 16 ounces

1 quart = 2 pints

Using that information, what answer do you think is right? We'll be glad to check your work.



First, add the amount used -- 1 pt. 9oz + 2 pt. 10 oz. How many pints and ounces is that?

Then, subtract that amount from 3 quarts.

3 pint and 19 oz

That's a good start -- that's the amount of developer he used.

Next -- 3 pt., 19 oz. to 4 pt, 3 oz.

Subtract: 3 qt. - 4 pt. 3 oz = ?

Hint: 3 qt = 6 pints = 5 pints, 16 oz.

Never mind I'm just not understand this thanks anyways

To determine how much developer remains in the container, we need to subtract the amount used from the initial quantity. Let's convert the measurements to a consistent unit first.

1 pint = 16 fluid ounces (fl oz)
1 quart (qt) = 32 fl oz

To convert:
1 pt 9 fl oz = 1 pt + 9 fl oz = 16 fl oz + 9 fl oz = 25 fl oz
2 pt 10 fl oz = 2 pt + 10 fl oz = 32 fl oz + 10 fl oz = 42 fl oz
3 qt = 3 qt * 32 fl oz/qt = 96 fl oz

Now we can subtract the amount used from the initial quantity to find the remaining quantity:
Remaining quantity = Initial quantity - Amount used

Remaining quantity = 96 fl oz - (25 fl oz + 42 fl oz)
Remaining quantity = 96 fl oz - 67 fl oz
Remaining quantity = 29 fl oz

Therefore, there are 29 fluid ounces of developer remaining in the container.