A computer loaded 80% of a new program in 80 seconds.

How long should it take to load the entire program?

.8x = 80

x = 80/.8
x = 100

To determine how long it should take to load the entire program, we need to understand the relationship between the percentage of the program loaded and the time taken.

In this case, we know that 80% of the program was loaded in 80 seconds. So, if we assume that the time taken to load the entire program is proportional to the percentage loaded, we can set up a proportion:

80% / 80 seconds = 100% / x

To find the value of x, we can cross-multiply and solve for x:

80% * x = 80 seconds * 100%
0.8x = 80 seconds * 1
0.8x = 80 seconds

Now, to solve for x, we divide both sides of the equation by 0.8:

x = 80 seconds / 0.8
x = 100 seconds

Therefore, it should take 100 seconds to load the entire program.